Friday, 12 August 2011

10 Google top tips for converting visitors into buyers

Following the launch of our new online store at, we've been collecting advice from friends and experts.

Our site has already been featured as a Magento Showcase Store and we're focusing hard on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and other improvements to the site at the moment.

One key issue for any new e-commerce business is conversion from visitor to customer. Amazingly, according to Google figures, 50% of all online shopping carts are abandoned. 23% of these abandonments occur because merchants require visitors to register before they can checkout. Simply providing large high resolution images of products can increase sales conversions by 14%.

I'm very grateful to Roddy Urquhart of for pointing me to this presentation on maximising conversion from Google. If you don't have an hour and 3 minutes to spare, here are the 10 top tips that Google provides:
  1. Bring me to the right page
  2. Make your homepage useful
  3. Help me navigate your site
  4. Give me the right results when I search
  5. Display groups of products clearly
  6. Give me the product details I need
  7. Make registration optional
  8. Make it easy to buy or enquire
  9. Reassure me
  10. Use the information that your visitors provide to improve your site and service
Needless to say, Google provide valuable case studies in their presentation and additional statistics that illustrate the potential bottom line benefits of each of these measures.

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